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Bush Leaves Low Income Families Behind      
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 Dick Gephardt's health care plan will do more for our economy than President Bush's tax cuts ever will.

President Bush's latest unfair, unaffordable and ineffective tax cut not only benefits the wealthiest Americans, it also leaves low income families completely behind. Parents earning between $10,500 and $26,625 will see no benefit from Bush's latest round of tax cuts for the wealthy.

In a last minute deal brokered by Vice President Cheney, low income families were cut out of an increase in the child tax credit as Senate and House Republicans sought enough votes to pass their unfair bill.

Dick Gephardt is offering Americans a clear alternative to Bush's irresponsible tax cuts. He has proposed a plan to get our economy growing and provide health care coverage that can never be taken away. "My plan will do more to stimulate our troubled economy than President Bush's misguided tax cuts ever will," Gephardt said. more

Read more about Dick Gephardt's health care plan.

June 6, 2003
Gephardt Statement on May Unemployment
With the unemployment rate hitting its highest point in nine years, Dick Gephardt noted that 3.1 million Americans have lost their jobs since President Bush took office. Gephardt: "President Bush continues to offer excuse after excuse for our failing economy. With millions of Americans out of work, we cannot afford a tax cut agenda that benefits the wealthiest Americans and leaves everyone else behind."  more
June 5, 2003
BMWE Endorses Gephardt for President
The Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees (BMWE) today endorsed Dick Gephardt for president. The Southfield, Michigan-based union represents approximately 40,000 workers who maintain the rail bed of most of the train tracks across the United States and Canada. BMWE President Mac A. Fleming: "Dick Gephardt has demonstrated time and again his unequivocal support for working Americans, making him the candidate most able to challenge, and defeat, President Bush and his anti-labor administration."  more
June 4, 2003
Gephardt Announces Hiring of New Hampshire Field Director
Dick Gephardt announced the appointment of Anna Landmark as New Hampshire field director of his presidential campaign. Gephardt: "With her help and leadership, we will organize a winning grassroots effort, going door to door in the fight for quality health care and economic renewal."  more
June 3, 2003
Gephardt Announces $767 Million in Aid to New Hampshire
Dick Gephardt announced that his health care plan, if passed into law, would cover all Americans, stimulate the economy and provide the state of New Hampshire $767 million in fiscal relief over the course of three years. Gephardt also announced that he has named Jim Demers as the New Hampshire State Chairman of his presidential campaign.  more
June 3, 2003
Quad City, IA, Times: Gephardt objects to changes for federal civilian workers
Excerpt: "A plan to overhaul the U.S. Department of Defense's civilian personnel system is 'devastating' the morale of people who are working to ensure national security, Democratic presidential candidate Richard Gephardt said Monday. In a letter to Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Gephardt, a congressman from Missouri, called for the plan to be scrapped."  more
June 2, 2003
Independence, MO, Examiner: Gephardt rallies Democrats
Excerpt: "Democratic presidential candidate Richard Gephardt made a pact with the crowd at this weekend's Truman Days, Jackson County's annual gathering of Democrats ­ if elected, Gephardt promised he would sign his universal health care plan into law at the Truman Library in Independence. ... 'I'm going to win the Democratic nomination, and I'm going to beat George Bush,' Gephardt said amid cheers."  more
June 2, 2003
Gephardt Unveils Spanish Language Website
Dick Gephardt unveiled his new Spanish website, providing access to his statements, speeches and policy papers to the Spanish speaking public. Visitors to the website can sign up to volunteer and contribute to the campaign in Spanish. Gephardt: "I invite Spanish speakers to come to my website and learn more about where I stand on the issues that affect us all."  more
June 2, 2003
People Magazine: No Secrets
Excerpt: Chrissy Gephardt "has become the first child of a national candidate to publicly discuss her homosexuality. 'I think my presence out there is important,' says Chrissy. 'It illustrates that a gay family is a normal, loving family like any other.' ... Further ordeals are probably waiting on the campaign trail, but whatever happens, 'we're going to be here for her,' says her father. 'Our first concern is whether our children are happy.'"  more
more news                

The Gephardt health care plan is praised as a "big idea" and "ambitious"
"... sends the message Gephardt is serious about meaningful changes to the health-care system."
Des Moines Register 
"Gephardt has elevated the national debate on this serious problem."
Waco Tribune-Herald 
more on the
Gephardt plan
 read more

Economic fairness
The Bush economic plan offers tax cuts for the wealthy; if we help working families, we will help ALL Americans.  more

Fighting for America's working families
Dad was a milk truck driver, and mom was a legal secretary. Dick Gephardt has never forgotten the values of working families.  more

Iron Workers endorse Dick Gephardt!
"We need leadership that is in touch with the needs and concerns of working people," said Joseph Hunt, the Iron Workers General President. "That's Dick Gephardt. He's one of us."  more

Defending our schools
Efforts to "leave no child behind" won't work when our school budgets are being slashed; we must re-think priorities.  more

Don't privatize Social Security!
Republicans want to privatize the greatest retirement security program ever conceived; we must stop them.  more

Universal pensions
Hard work over a lifetime should be rewarded with safety and security in your retirement years.  more

Smart energy
Dependence on foreign oil is hurting our economy and our national security; we need renewable energy solutions.  more

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